Ticket sales Saturday, May 18th 9a-1p
To purchase tickets, you’ll enter through the back door (parking lot side) and exit out the front of the studio.
Tickets are $10 each and assigned seats. Anyone that will be sitting in a seat needs a ticket.
**If you volunteer for one of the shows (in any capacity) you will not need a ticket for that show and will still be able to watch your dancer on the stage.**
Cash or Check accepted made payable to Deer Park Dance Program.
Tickets will be available for purchase on:
Saturday, May 18th 9a-1p at the studio
May 28th and 29th at both dress rehearsals at Deer Park High School in the lobby of the auditorium
Before the shows on Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd at Deer Park High School in the lobby of the auditorium